17 August 2024

Google TV Purchased Content Removed (Updated}

I decided today that I was going to go pick a movie from my library that I have purchased through Google TV. I have amassed quite a bit of content, and these movies are favorites. I actually have been going back through my library to watch some selections.

However, I was met with an empty library this afternoon when I pulled up the Google TV on my living room TV. It was empty. It still is empty. I did a complete factory reset of the device because all other partial attempts at removing cache and data didn't seem to make it difference. And the factory reset did nothing to help the situation. 

I don't know what Google is doing. I don't know what message they're trying to send. But this is the message that I've received: Don't buy digital media through them. I think the time has come for me to buy physical media for the things that I want to keep and the things that I think are my favorites.

Google TV providing movies and shows was a convenience, and I think that I knew it was never a permanence. Today, I have realized that very practical sense. Maybe it's the wake up call that I've needed. Maybe I need to thank Google for stopping me from wasting money with them. 

I have submitted feedback through the app about this particular situation. I'm sure it will fly under their radar, and any resolution will probably take several weeks or several months, if at all. But the precedence has been set.


Well, the library was restored as of Sunday. I'm guessing they had some issues over the weekend. My niece had also seen her pictures disappear from her Gmail account yet found them today (Monday). My perspective still stands as a valid reminder that what we purchase through streaming services is not always guaranteed to persist. There are plenty of other stories/articles about purchased rights for content changing requiring services like this to pull content.